• Purim must be celebrated Be-SimchahBechol Shanah Ve-Shanah. Part of Haman’s goal – and that of Hamas today – is to erase our unique nature and our Yomim Tovim. (See Megillah 13b and Targum Sheini to Esther 3:8). We must celebrate with the appropriate joy and thanks to Hashem for saving us Bayamim Haheim and Bizman Hazaeh.
  • That being said, the “over the top” celebration – which often includes heavy drinking, extensive costumes (for adults), silliness, and the like is not appropriate. It may never be appropriate – but certainly not this year. Appropriate Simcha (dancing, singing) should not lead to Hollelut. SafekLehachmir when it comes to these issues as Purim should be celebrated, but something should feel different. Each Rav needs to translate this to his community as appropriate. Rav Mordechai Willig felt that this would not apply to those beneath the age of Bat/ Bar Mitzvah who so look forward to the costumes and Simcha of Purim.
  • Throughout Purim – at the Teffilot, before megillah reading, and even at the Seudah. We should be thinking of, and davening for, Acheinu Bnei Yisrael. This includes Mi She-Beirach Tefillot for Israel and the Chayalim and the recitation of Tehillim. (Rav Yosef Zvi Rimon)
  • Knos et HaYehudim – Taanit Esther should be emphasized this year as a Yom Tefillah and Teshuvah. Everything should be done next Thursday to remind the Kehllah of the real sense of urgency facing our people and power of teshuva, Tefillah and tzedakah, to avert Gezeirot. (Rav Hershel Schachter)
  •  In the spirit of “Yachad Nenatzeach,” and the power of Knisat HaYehudim, congregants should be urged to give Mishloach Manot to individuals outside of their usual circles. (Rav Yosef Zvi Rimon)


Rav Hershel Schachter

Rav Yosef Zvi Rimon

Rav Mordechai Willig