Ashkelon Sites2024-06-04T23:16:03+03:00

Ashkelon Beach Cleanup

A group of over 20 volunteers spread out over Delilah Beach this morning to clean up some of the mess in the sand and the green areas beside the beach. The dedicated group, equipped with gloves and garbage bags, collected lots of trash, including bottle caps, cigarette butts and a syringe. To learn more about future cleanups and other programs, contact the Young Anglos of Ashkelon (YAA) or [...]


Healthcare in Israel/Ashkelon

We have received questions about healthcare in Israel and specifically in Ashkelon. Below is an answer to one person considering Aliyah. Navigating the healthcare system in Israel, like most systems here has its challenges. Besides the issue of language, there are bureaucratic obstacles that differentiate the Israeli system with four Kupot (HMOs) from a US HMO or a single payer system. That means if someone needs surgery or a service at a hospital, they have [...]


Importing a Car to Israel

You decided to make the move to Israel. Mazel Tov! You start looking around and thinking about what you plan on bringing and the when you get to the car in your driveway, you start to wonder if it is worthwhile importing. The Ministry of Economy and Industry has a webpage that walks you through the steps needed: The personal import of transportation products is permitted only if the following conditions are met: The import [...]


Have a Soft or Crispy Landing in Ashkelon — Pizza for Olim

Ashkelon123 will help you with a soft landing on your first day in Ashkelon. Tell us when you're coming so we can welcome you "home" with a friendly face, a newcomer's kit and a hand-delivered pizza! Contact us and let us know when you are supposed to arrive, where you will be staying and how many people in your family. Your friends at Ashkelon123!


Ashkelon’s John Daly Interviewed by Jewanced

If you are not familiar with Jewanced, you owe it to yourself to check them out. Jewanced is hosted by Dan Feferman and Benny Scholder, two guys who grew up in America and live in Israel. They’re curious. They want to discuss. They want to challenge popular conceptions, think critically, examine independently, and most of all, they crave nuance. Each episode features a different guest, all interesting and original people. Together with Dan and Benny, [...]


How Ashkelon turned from a sleepy coastal city into the capital of real estate transactions

Globes ran a very interesting article on how popular Ashkelon has become in Israel's real estate market: "Not Tel Aviv, not Jerusalem, not Beer Sheva. Meet the undisputed real estate queen of 2020: Ashkelon. One in 20 deals made in Israel last year was in the southern coastal city; one in every 20 apartments that began construction last year was - right. In Ashkelon. Was no factor used in the real estate market, for this [...]

Ashkelon Real Estate|

Why 50+ Anglos are Moving to Ashkelon

When we made Aliyah (thank you NBN!), we chose the wonderful community of Rehovot as our home. It had great schools for our young children as well as youth groups, music lessons and more. But as they grew and went off to the army and university, we decided to look for another community to move to, a place that offered us the features of a community that met the needs of a couple in our [...]

Yom Haatzmaut Air Force Aerial Show

From the IDF Spokesperson: On the occasion of the 73rd Independence Day: The Air Force will hold a salute flight over Israeli cities The Air Force prepared a salute to the citizens of the State of Israel called "Israeli Brotherhood." The flight will take place during the 73rd Independence Day of the State of Israel Thursday, April 15, at the end of a challenging year in dealing with the Corona virus. This year, the jets [...]


Selfie Festival at the Marina

We took a walk down to the marina this evening and things were really lively there. Thousands of people gathered to participate in the Selfie Festival, organized by the city of Ashkelon. They had set up dozens of large backlit displays enabling people to take really fun photos of themselves or the kids. Buskers entertained the people attending, as they walked in between the selfie stations. Lots of food, ice cream and drinks and it [...]

Community, Kids, Leisure, Marina|

Ashkelon Wins Council for a Beautiful Israel Prize Again

Kan Ashkelon reports that Ashkelon has won again in the annual contest run by the Council for a Beautiful Israel. The city of Ashkelon won a score of 100 in the competition of the Council for a Beautiful Israel and won first place in the category of medium-sized cities. In addition, the city was awarded the Half Jubilee Shield for 25 consecutive years of winning five beauty stars. As part of the competition, which aims to [...]

Community, Leisure, Marina|

Ashkelon: Crime and Safety

While many people who have never been to Israel read about it in the news and think it is a dangerous place. In actuality, it is quite safe. When comparing crime and personal safety in Israeli cities to many large metropolitan areas in the USA, Israel is in a different league. Even within Israel, questions are asked about which cities are safer and have less crime. Instead of relying on anecdotal evidence, I decided [...]

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