How to Help your Pets Through a Rocket Attack

Pets are important members of your family. Here are some suggestions we hope you will find helpful to get through sirens and rockets: Common sense and sensitivity: Seek shelter if you are outside. Do not walk your dog or remain in an open space like the beach. Even if sirens have not sounded [...]

How to Help your Pets Through a Rocket Attack2023-05-10T18:00:06+03:00

Healthcare in Israel/Ashkelon

We have received questions about healthcare in Israel and specifically in Ashkelon. Below is an answer to one person considering Aliyah. Navigating the healthcare system in Israel, like most systems here has its challenges. Besides the issue of language, there are bureaucratic obstacles that differentiate the Israeli system with four Kupot (HMOs) from a US [...]

Healthcare in Israel/Ashkelon2021-04-21T16:20:02+03:00
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