Review: The Founding of Modern Ashkelon by David Zwebner

The Founding of Modern Ashkelon by David Zwebner Reviewed by Stephen Epstein Photos are courtesy of the Government Press Office. Four months ago, our family moved to Ashkelon and soon afterward, was gifted a copy of The Founding of Modern Ashkelon by David Zwebner. The book opened up the little-known history of the city and [...]

Review: The Founding of Modern Ashkelon by David Zwebner2020-11-04T08:31:06+02:00 Added to Wikipedia

The website was added to the Ashkelon Wikipedia page as an external link. Since Wikipedia pages can be edited by the general public, editors have to deal with individuals and companies who edit Wikipedia trying to add extraneous external links on pages in order to gain an advantage with their search engine optimization (SEO) [...] Added to Wikipedia2020-11-09T18:01:56+02:00

The Desha HaGadol

Running through the heart of Afridar is a very large park that is called the "Desha HaGadol", which literally means the "great lawn". We have not seen an English translation that really describes this wonderful urban park that forms the center of Afridar. Whatever it is called, the Desha HaGadol is quite unique for [...]

The Desha HaGadol2020-10-29T11:36:45+02:00

Smart Defibrillator Devices in Ashkelon

Magen David Adom placed four smart defibrillator devices in Ashkelon in honor of Dr. Oren Zusman, a cardiologist who died of heart failure at the age of 37. By using a smart station a person can call MDA during an emergency and receive guidance over the phone to help the person in need. Paramedics are [...]

Smart Defibrillator Devices in Ashkelon2021-02-28T20:07:55+02:00

Soup’s On!

Ashkelon residents who are under the weather can now get some relief. Miriam Levine, a retired Registered Nurse, who made Aliyah from the USA,  makes a variety of kosher soups for anyone needing a get well gift. The soups are delivered fresh (or frozen) in one-liter containers by volunteers. Your soup options: Classic chicken [...]

Soup’s On!2021-04-18T23:06:37+03:00

Street Art in Ashkelon

Street Art in Ashkelon Project This striking mural was created by Royyal Dog.  The mural was spray painted directly on to the wall. It was part of a larger Artists 4 Israel painting program done in late Fall of 2019 and took one week to complete. Artist Royyal Dog (Chris Chanyang [...]

Street Art in Ashkelon2021-05-09T15:57:57+03:00
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