Good news, bad news on the affordable housing front

I had a very interesting conversation today with Odiel Malchi, a mortgage specialist who has worked for a number of Israeli banks. He wrote an article (linked below) on the new program to replace Mechir Lamishtaken. The good news is that the government will give a grant of 100,000 NIS towards the purchase of an [...]

Good news, bad news on the affordable housing front2020-12-24T20:20:27+02:00

Work Where You Play

A job is a job - just that. We need to work to live. We don't need to live to work. If you have the ability to work in an environment that gives you great joy, go for it. In this crazy COVID world, many companies have learned that it is not essential that all [...]

Work Where You Play2020-11-20T16:01:43+02:00

Ashkelon Apartments for Sale

Ashkelon Apartments for Sale There are three popular ways of finding Ashkelon apartments that are for sale: 1. Use the Ashkelon Business Directory, which lists English-speaking real estate agents. Using a real estate agent can mean access to apartments that are not listed on the online sites or the signs people hang up [...]

Ashkelon Apartments for Sale2020-11-19T13:58:00+02:00
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