Women’s Rosh Chodesh Gatherings 5785

L’ilui Nishmat Virginia Rives Tranbarger Rosh Chodesh 5785 dates (Gatherings might occur on different dates) Month English Date (Daytime) Day of Week Cheshvan 2-Nov-2024 Shabbat Kislev (2-day) 1 & 2-Dec-2024 Sunday-Monday Tevet 1-Jan-2025 Wednesday Shevat 30-Jan-2025 Thursday Adar (2-day) 28-Feb & 1-Mar-2025 Friday-Shabbat Nissan 30-Mar-2025 Sunday Iyar [...]

Women’s Rosh Chodesh Gatherings 57852025-01-16T19:07:17+02:00

A Rabbinic Guide on How to Celebrate Purim 5784/2024 in Light of the Matzav

Purim must be celebrated Be-Simchah – Bechol Shanah Ve-Shanah. Part of Haman’s goal – and that of Hamas today – is to erase our unique nature and our Yomim Tovim. (See Megillah 13b and Targum Sheini to Esther 3:8). We must celebrate with the appropriate joy and thanks to Hashem for saving us Bayamim [...]

A Rabbinic Guide on How to Celebrate Purim 5784/2024 in Light of the Matzav2024-03-21T10:21:30+02:00

Tikkun Leil Shavuot in Ashkelon 2023

Tikkun Leil Shavuot - a Multifaceted Night of Learning in Ashkelon This year's annual Tikkun Leil Shavuot features multiple shiurim in three different venues. We are highlighting the English-language shiurim that will be given this year on Shavuot. What is Tikkun Leil Shavuot? The practice of staying up all Shavuot [...]

Tikkun Leil Shavuot in Ashkelon 20232023-05-21T10:53:34+03:00

Jewish Values Shiur

Rabbi Dr. Nachum Amsel will be teaching a class in Jewish Values at the Central Synagogue of Afridar. The class is held on Wednesdays at 7:30 PM. Each week we cover a new topic, independent of the others. The class is meant for men and women and is taught in English. Light refreshments [...]

Jewish Values Shiur2024-01-09T22:06:51+02:00

What dangers lie ahead for Diaspora Jews?

Date: Tuesday, November 22, 2022 Time: 7:00 PM Place: Central Synagogue of Afridar 2 Yekhezkel Zonabend Street, Ashkelon The חוג התרבות is delighted to invite you to a free program featuring Emanuel Rund. What dangers lie ahead for Diaspora Jews? Is it time for Jews to leave the Diaspora? Judaism has an institutionalized, collective [...]

What dangers lie ahead for Diaspora Jews?2022-12-22T10:23:29+02:00

A Guide to Yom Kippur for Visitors to Israel

Yom Kippur, also known in English as the Day of Atonement is the holiest day of the year in Judaism. It occurs annually on the 10th Day of Tishrei, the seventh month of the Hebrew calendar. In 2022, Yom Kippur starts on the evening of Tuesday, October 4. Primarily centered on atonement and [...]

A Guide to Yom Kippur for Visitors to Israel2022-10-04T09:56:06+03:00
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